Tekmovanje na Bells Beachu se je končalo že pred časom in sicer z zmago Kelly Slaterja, ki tako prepričljivo vodi v skupnem seštevku. Video poročilo iz tekme si lahko ogledate na Shralp (potrebujete Quicktime player), medtem pa surferji že čakajo na swell na Tahitiju kjer se je že začela čakalna doba za BILLABONG PRO TEAHUPOO
Teahupoo, Taiarapu, Tahiti.
O Čopuju so napisali takole:
ATTITUDE: Don’t bother bringing any because the wave is the one with the attitude here. Half the surfers are shaking in their shorts, the other half are shaking their heads in disbelief, and those in the channel are happy as clams – unless of course one of the sets swings wide, then they're all buggered.
THE WAVE: Breaking 700 metres out to sea, “Chopes”, as the break is affectionately known, is one of Mother Nature’s masterpieces. The old lady reckoned placing a 100 metre drop-off just 50 metres away from a half-moon-shaped reef would create a phenomenon… and she was right. This treacherous, left to right peeling reef-break boasts thick, bone-crushing barrels accessible only via a very-vertical takeoff. Once standing upright all surfers need to do is survive being spat out of the tube 50 metres later and then avoid the teeth of the razor sharp reef which sits high and dry directly in front of the wave.
PERKS: Spend a day taming Teahupoo with your mates and you’ll likely reckon you can save the world next time the need arises.
PERILS: This wave has claimed lives in the past and comes eerily close to doing so on a regular basis.
APRES SURF: You survive a session out here, just walking around feels like a party. Not much in the way of night-life but there's always plenty of very friendly locals who are keen for a chin-wag.
2005: Kelly Slater (USA)
2004: CJ Hobgood (USA)
2003: Kelly Slater (USA)
2002: Andy Irons (HAW)
2001: Cory Lopez (USA)
2000: Kelly Slater (USA)
1999: Mark Occhilupo (AUS)
WCT HISTORY: Beginning as WQS early in the peice then evolving into a WCT a few years later. Billabong joined the party in 1999 and the best of the best have been shaking in their shorts since.
NOTABLE: First off, there’s not much that’s not notable about this wave, but the most recent record there was set by Slater, who surfed the perfect heat, scoring the first-ever 20 out of a possible 20 points against Damien Hobgood during the final of the 2005 Billabong Pro Tahiti.
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