V Biarritzu zmagala Schuyler McFerran

V Biarritzu zmagala Schuyler McFerran
July 10, 2006 Klemen Surk

Zmagovalka vseh šestih heatov v katerih je nastopila vključno s finalom in tako sploh prva ASP Women's World Longboarding Champion je postala američanka Schuyler McFerran. Druga na Roxy Jamu prihaja prav tako iz Kalifornije – Jennifer Smith, tretje mesto pa sta si delili domačinka Claire Karabatsos in spet američanka Bianca Valenti.

Schuyler McFerran
Schuyler McFerran

Schuyler McFerran surfing
Schuyler McFerran

Belinda Baggs

Claire Karabatsos
Claire Karabatsos

Plaža Cote de Basque v Biarritz in 1 meter visoki valovi so bili prizorišče finala, ki si ga bo 19-letna Schuyler McFerran verjetno zapomnila za vedno:

"I’m so thankful and stoked, happy and relieved – there’s just so many emotions. I’ve surfed so many heats that it’s just overwhelming, then to have all of my friends out here screaming and cheering for me, I just broke down," in še:

"I knew that I could win this event if I really put my heart into it and I gave my very best effort every heat. To be able to have my mom here supporting and coaching me and to have my family and boyfriend at home rooting for me, it was just so incredible."

Noseriding je ena najljubših stvari pri surfanju Schuyler, saj je ena od stvari, ki razlikuje longboarding od shortboard surfanja. In prav dolg noseride v katerem je čez nos surfa pogledalo vseh deset prstov na nogah je prinesel zmago in 9.25 točke.

Domačinka iz Biarritza, 28 letna Claire Karabatsos je v polfinalu izgubila proti kasnejši zmagovalki. Vmes je sicer za trenutek tudi vodila: "Yeah, it was close there at the end, she surfed really, really well and had good noserides. I was in second place, then I got a good wave and I went into first and was like ’Whoa, whoa!" really happy, but then she caught another wave and was first again."

koncert Neneh Cherry

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