Somewhere in the Caribbean

Somewhere in the Caribbean
February 1, 2010 Ujusansa Surf Klub

Rip Curl je danes razkril kje bo letošnji Search – “Somewhere in the Caribbean”. Tekma bo potekala med 30. oktobrom in 10. novembrom, sicer pa se letošnja sezona začne že ta mesec – 27. februarja na Gold Coastu v Avstraliji. Točno natančno točna lokacija bo znana april, današnje obvestilo je bolj v stilu – dajte nam malo mir z vprašanje kje bo letošnji Rip Curl Search event.

Do sedaj je Search našel dom na naslednjih spotih – Reunion, Mehika, Čile, Bali in Portugalska. 

Potem je zadevo komentiral še Fanning: “The Caribbean looks insane! I’ve never been there but I’ve been checking out a lot of footage on the net and there definitely seems to be plenty of quality breaks down that way. Everyone I’ve asked about the place says the waves can get super punchy, which I love, so fingers crossed it delivers when we’re there.”