Letošnja "tekma sezone" je končana. V pojemajočem swellu je zmagal Andy Irons pred Taylorjem Knowom. Zaradi ugodne časovne razlike smo si tekmo včeraj popoldan lahko ogledali tudi sami, finale pa se je zavlekel tja čez polnoč.
Navdušenje surferjev nad valom v La Jolla v Mehiki že napoveduje, da bo to verjetno tekma sezone. In kje je "Somewhere in Mexico"? Val La Jolla je desni poinbreak s peščenim dnom, ki se lahko lomi tudi do 200 metrov. Dela na južne swelle in se lomi tako ob plimi kot ob oseki.
Nathan Hedge
"It’s six to eight foot and really perfect. It’s an amazing wave, I’ve never seen anything like it. I think it’s close to Snapper, but definitely more powerful. You don’t see this too many places in the world. For me, "The Search" is over; this contest should be held here every time." – Taylor Knox
"This wave is really powerful, it’s better than Snapper will ever be. This is definitely the best wave we’ve had on tour this year. Hopefully Rip Curl won’t do any more searching and they’ll stay here; this is the best wave in the world." – Joel Parkinson
"That is one of the most perfect waves I’ve ever surfed, especially in a heat. It’s an unbelievably perfect right-hand, barreling point break – it’s phenomenal." – David Weare
"The waves are incredible. One of the best waves I’ve ever surfed. It’s like Snapper Rocks, but I’m sorry, it’s better. There’s no one out, it’s bigger, there’s more open face. It’s incredible; it’s a really good wave. You get out there, you take off and you’re going to get barreled all the way across." – Bruce Irons
"This place makes you wonder how many waves are doing what this wave is doing with no one on the beach. It’s the best wave I’ve ever seen on sand – the sand here is like gold – it’s so perfect. I caught this one at the end, my last wave, and I didn’t make the drop, it probably would have been the best wave of my life, I’m stoked I made the heat, but gosh, that wave was perfect." – CJ Hobgood
"It’s pretty wild. It’s kind of like Snapper in a lot of ways as it’s a pointbreak right. I think it’s a lot better than Snapper though – a little more perfect, a little more powerful, really hollow all the time." – Andy Irons
"I just avoided the next round with that win, but its such a perfect wave I wouldn’t mind surfing again tomorrow. This morning I saw the best wave of my life – a six footer that barreled for about 20 seconds with no one on it – unbelievable. Surfing this wave is like holding an apple in front of a donkey, you’re so tempted to go catch another one but you can just burn yourself out." – Troy Brooks
"These are the best waves I’ve seen in a contest – ever. These are some of the most perfect waves I’ve ever seen period. It’s pretty challenging, but if we get the jetskis tomorrow, it’s going to be the biggest dream for us natural-footers ever. It’s the most perfect righthander for us." – Jake Paterson
FINALE: Andy Irons (HAW) 16.86 premagal Taylor Knox (USA) 11.33
POLFINALE 1: Taylor Knox (USA) 15.00 premagal Taj Burrow (AUS) 11.50
POLFINALE 2: Andy Irons (HAW) 17.20 premagal Timmy Reyes (USA) 11.33
ČETRTFINALE 1: Taj Burrow (AUS) 15.17 pre. Bede Durbidge (AUS) 13.83
ČETRTFINALE 2: Taylor Knox (USA) 15.50 pre. Kelly Slater (USA) 11.67
ČETRTFINALE 3: Andy Irons (HAW) 18.10 pre. Bruce Irons (HAW) 8.00
ČETRTFINALE 4: Timmy Reyes (USA) 12.53 def. Dean Morrison (AUS) 11.33
1. Kelly Slater (USA) 4233 točk
2. Andy Irons (HAW) 4140 točk
3. Bobby Martinez (USA) 4000 točk
4. Taj Burrow (AUS) 3650 točk
4. Taylor Knox (USA) 3650 točk
6. Damien Hobgood (USA) 3542 točk
7. Joel Parkinson (AUS) 3052 točk
8. CJ Hobgood (USA) 2896 točk
9. Bruce Irons (HAW) 2884 točk
Comments (3)
smo prebrali, izgleda da je bilo kar pestro 🙂
ej sori k nism se nc oglasla, ampak smo bli tok zaposleni.. pocasi spisem se kaj… do takrat pa lahko preberes moj surfblog.. :-\
je zgleda koncan.. surfercki so se odlocl, da je to D wave, ampak smo mel res sreco, tko da ni nujno, da drug let tala Jolla dela tko k je teh par tednov nazaj. ze zdej je velka razlika… ::)
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