Kelly Slater Tri Od Štirih

Kelly Slater Tri Od Štirih
June 3, 2008 Klemen Surk
Kelly Slater je letos dobil že tri od štirih tekmovanj za svetovni pokal in ostaja sploh edini surfer izmed top 45-ih z zmago. Zadnjič na Tahitiju je namreč zmagal surfer s povabilo organizatorja. Kaj je Kelly povedal po zmagi na Fiji-ju?

“I don’t think I’ve ever won three out of the
first four events on tour,” Slater said. “I’ve won the first two a
couple times but I think this is the first time I’ve ever done this.
Being the only guy on tour to win an event is pretty odd – I don’t
think there has ever been that situation on tour. I know [Tom] Curren
and Potts [Martin Potter] both won the first three, but I don’t think a
wildcard filled in that fourth one.”
Naslednja tekma je J-Bay, rezultati pa so taki:

Globe Pro Fiji Final Results:
Final: Kelly Slater (USA) 16.67 def. C.J. Hobgood (USA) 13.27

Globe Pro Fiji Semifinal Results:
Heat 1: Kelly Slater (USA) 18.70 def. Taj Burrow (AUS) 12.84
Heat 2: C.J. Hobgood (USA) 17.64 def. Adriano de Souza (BRA) 13.87

Globe Pro Fiji Quarterfinal Results:
Heat 1: Taj Burrow (AUS) 14.60 def. Bede Durbidge (AUS) 12.73
Heat 2: Kelly Slater (USA) 14.27 def. Bobby Martinez (USA) 13.67 
Heat 3: C.J. Hobgood (USA) 17.50 def. Mick Fanning (AUS) 6.84
Heat 4: Adriano de Souza (BRA) 13.00 def. Joel Parkinson (AUS) 12.66

Top 10 ASP World Tour Rated Surfers after the Globe Pro Fiji:
1. Kelly Slater (USA) 4010 points
2. Joel Parkinson (AUS) 3072 points
3. Bede Durbidge (AUS) 3050 points
4. Adriano de Souza (BRA) 2808 points
5. Taj Burrow (AUS) 2762 points
6. C.J. Hobgood (USA) 2728 points
7. Mick Fanning (AUS) 2721 points
8. Andy Irons (HAW 2606 points
9. Adrian Buchan (AUS) 2474 points
10. Bobby Martinez (USA) 2428 points

Comments (10)

  1. mm
    andraz 2027 years ago

    ker fegi kolencek!!

  2. mm
    Marko Odič 2027 years ago

    pa ker četrtfinale, polfinal in finale…. uuuu :D,hvala bogu je Jbay bližje in ne bo treba bedet do zgodnjih jutranjih ur…

  3. mm Author
    klemen 2027 years ago

    Tube so itak gej

  4. primož 2027 years ago

    Pa lejte lycro…..roza…ITAK!

  5. primož 2027 years ago

    Men je pa zakon, da bo spet freesurfer……to je njegova “panoga”! Novi muviji bojo ziher čist odtrgani.

  6. Gorazd 2027 years ago

    Kdo pa je ta Kelly Slater? A on tudi surfa? ;D

  7. Gorazd 2027 years ago

    Ta pravi homič ;D ;D ;D

  8. mm
    Mitja Legat 2027 years ago

    damn, fotr je res unstoppabl… zih obvlada Pozejdona 😉

  9. mm
    Mitja Legat 2027 years ago

    sama foušija 😀 😀 😀

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