Komaj so se dobro zaprle tube na Teahupoo že se bližajo tiste v Restavraciji. Kje? Cloudbreak in Restaurants sta spota na otokih Tavarua in Namotu v Fiji-ju, kjer bo od 21. maja do 2. junija potekal 2006 Globe WCT Fiji, najboljša tekma na touru, vsaj po mnenju 44 najboljših ASP surferjev na svetu.
Kelly Slater
Ne gre pa vse po maslu lanskoletnemu zmagovalu Fiji-ja Kellyju Slaterju. Sicer prepričljivo vodi v razvrstitvi svetovnega pokala a lip Teahupoo-a ga ja ob padcu zabrisal naravnost v lastno desko in Kelly ima napokana rebra. Upa, da se bo pozdravil do začetka tekme, sicer pa jo bo izpustil. "Sezona je še dolga in ni vredno tvegati zaradi ene tekme," pravi Slater.
LATITUDE: 19º79’ S
LONGITUDE: 178º05’
ATTITUDE: You can travel to all four corners of the globe and still not find folks sweeter or more accommodating than the Fijians. From the minute they ferry you from the mainland to your temporary slice of paradise, the locals let love and laughter flow like Foster’s after a final.
THE WAVE: Cloudbreak and Restaurants are regularly hyped as two of Earth’s best left-hand reef breaks. Believe the hype. These waves are critical, quick and situated in shallow water and produce majestic walls and barrels.
PERKS: Umm, insane waves, a five-star resort situated on a South Pacific island and unbelievable snorkeling and sea kayaking mere steps away from your seaside-situated thatched hut – does that work for you?
PERILS: Kava. If you can stomach the quasi-sock-like flavor of this traditional root-derived drink, you’re half-way there… now all you have to do is avoid hallucinating and making mince-meat of yourself on the razor-sharp reefs the next morning. Figure that out and you’re golden!
APRES SURF: Well, you have two choices. Settle into a hammock, inflated-pool toy or hot tub with an adult-beverage on your island or take the ferry to the neighboring isle and settle into a hammock, inflated-pool toy or hot tub with an adult-beverage there. And for those who haven’t quite curbed their insatiable appetites for competition, there’s always pool and ping-pong tables to unleash on post-Mai Tais.
2005: Kelly Slater (USA)
2004: Damien Hobgood (USA)
2003: Andy Irons (HAW)
2002: Michael Lowe (AUS)
2000: Luke Egan (AUS)
1999: Mark Occhilupo (AUS)
WCT HISTORY: Globe, the skate shoe cum surf company, stepped up to the plate to host their first ever WCT event in Fiji in 2005. Previous sponsors had run the event from 1999 to 2004.
NOTABLE: Tavarua and Namotu also play host to Kelly Slater’s Invitational event and Shane Dorian, retired competitor, has taken a job as a Tavy Boat Man there.
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