Billabong Pro Tahiti

Billabong Pro Tahiti
May 16, 2007 Klemen Surk

šele drugič v zgodovini svetovnega pokala so glavce na ASP-ju podaljšale čakalno dobo za kakšno tekmo. Po za Teahupoo precej zajčjih pogojih, v katerih je izpadel tudi Kelly Slater in so bile tube bolj redkost kot zakon so se ob napovedi današnjega novega swella odločili za podaljšanje čakalne dobe.

Luke Egan, šefe tekmovanja: "We'll be checking the surf for a call tomorrow at 7am, If there are waves, the boys could potentially be out there by 7:30am, but all reports at this point have us looking to make a second call at 10am for a possible 11am start. We only have seven heats to run and we're looking to have them completed in the best possible conditions."

Osem preostalih surferjev se bo pomerilo v čertfinalu, pari pa so naslednji:
QF 1: Joel Parkinson (AUS) vs. Andy Irons (HAW)
QF 2: Damien Hobgood (USA) vs. Jeremy Flores (FRA)
QF 3: Mick Fanning (AUS) vs. Luke Stedman (AUS)
QF 4: Cory Lopez (USA) vs. Kai Otton (AUS)

In kaj je povedal novinec Jeremy Flores po tem, ko je izločil aktualnega svetovnega prvaka: "I'm happy, it's definitely a dream come true to beat the best surfer in the world, I feel really confident in these waves, where I'm from the waves are exactly the same so I know these waves perfect. If there was one place I could beat Kelly it was today, in these waves."

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