Za vikend v SS na Nixon

Za vikend v SS na Nixon
September 15, 2008 Kaja Cencelj

Kdor je v Franciji, toplo priporocam dober surf, žur in sangrijo v San Sebastianu ta vikend, kjer bo Nixonov kontest, z znanimi starimi in mladimi imeni.

"The Challenge is by far the funniest contest I ever entered! I love everything about it! The environment is just so laid-back and the good energy around it makes it a very special one! I really think Nixon should organize all the contests on Tour!" Tiago Pires

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  1. Author
    Kaja 2027 years ago

    hm..hja, hm.. tole je res tocno to, kar pravijo. fiesta, fiesta, fiesta.. bolj malo valov in prevec zastonj pijace.. noc zamenja dan…

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