Surf PowerSki Jetboard Engineering

Surf PowerSki Jetboard Engineering
May 20, 2010 pj

Chad Montgomery laying over his signature lay down frontside turn shoot for Discovery Channel. If you can imagine what you can do with your snowboard on the snow …

Powerski Jetboard came from San Clemente, California. 

Jetboard allow surfer to perform multiple possibilities of riding at top speed as long as rider nerve holds out such as :                                                                                                                                            G-force turns, Nose riding, Jumps, Wave riding, Tandem riding …

There is nothing like what Powerskijetboard can do by 40mph(miles per hour) when puts out 45HP(horse power) with nothing but water in front of you.                                          🙂

New Powerski Jetboard is made from : Super torque two-stroke water cooled engine, Powerskijetboard design surfboard, Handle stick controller, Snorkel air intake system, Power truster JetPump drive train with an axial flow, Nose piece T-handle assembly and New miniature water cooled electrical system. 

There are five natural forces that engineering team had to deal with :                                      weight, buoyancy, hydrodynamic lift, drag, trust and power. 

It combines a high trust to weight ratio with a proprietary hull/rail design, and a center-of-gravity power train placement that stabilizes the craft at all speeds. The design also enables high-speed planing, and high trust ‘G-force’ turns with simple movement shifts made by the rider-surfer.

For More Informations see on links below:

Comments (4)

  1. mm
    klemen 2026 years ago

    Nekaj tazga sem videl v muzeju surfanja v kaliforniju, 40 let staro, zihr 🙂

  2. dejan 2026 years ago

    Hudo tudi za flat days

  3. dejan 2026 years ago

    Hudo tudi za flat days:)

  4. Author
    pj 2026 years ago

    olano jst nisem seznanjen s tem kdo je prvi izumljal zadevo,je pa supr slisat klemen …supr pa je, da je cas pravi, da je zadeva prisla v serijsko izdelavo,da se jo da kupit,jst tudi mislim da je super zadeva za flat days …;)

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