A je kdo rekel, da punce ne znajo surfat??? Alana Blanchard – girl who rips

A je kdo rekel, da punce ne znajo surfat??? Alana Blanchard – girl who rips
July 14, 2009 Kaja Cencelj

I know I tend to write a whole lot about the guy tours, neglecting completely the tours of the fairer sex.  To make amends for this, I’ve decided to turn my focus to girls who rip, this time focusing on the nubile, ridiculously good looking, almost legal (this year guys!) ripper, Alana Blanchard.  At 17 years of age, this Kuai native stands 5′8″ and 120lbs.  She’s a close friend of Bethany Hamilton’s and was sitting right next to her during the infamous shark attack.  She’s Alana is slowly climbing up the charts on the Women’s WQS, currently ranked 8th after 9 out of 14 events.  If she can eek out a victory in one or two contests, she might find herself comfortably in the top 6, assuring her a slot on the 2009 Women’s World Tour.  Alana has racked up an impressive list of junior wins, and she’s already posted a big win at the Women’s Pipeline Championship in 2007.  If she can keep focused, she will be a force to contend with in the coming years.  I certainly hope she does, as she’ll continue to be a pleasure to watch, in and out of the water.

Need more of an Alana fix?  Check out the photos below, or take a peek at her official website: http://www.alanablanchard.com/

nice frontside

nice frontsidenice frontside

nice backside

nice backside

nice backside

Comment (1)

  1. primož 2027 years ago

    Ja hudo fura Alana, pa še najbolj sexy surfačica je (ena redkih, ki res zgleda kot ženska). hahaha….še mal pa bo legalna, ta je pa lepa.

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